Learning stuff: Pulumi for AWS

I decided to make a habit of learning at least one new tool, technology every month and prepare a blog post about it. In recent months I focused mostly on the stuff I was dealing at work. Right now I’m reading “Atomic Habits” by James Clear, so that’s the first habit I would like to create. :) What is Pulumi This month I decided to check out Pulumi. Pulumi is an open-source infrastructure as code tool....

September 15, 2021 · 6 min

Running OpenEBS on a Odroid HC4 cluster

I bought recently two Odroid HC4 microcomputers and 4 Seagate Barracuda 2 TB HDD with the intention to farm Chia on them. The HC4 platform used on ARM64 processor and has two SATA 3, which can be used to plug HDD or SSD drive to it. At work, we are checking out currently the OpenEBS project, which allows to build a Container Attached Storage for Kubernetes using local disks. I was curious, if I could use OpenEBS on those HC4 devices and create a CAS for a Kubernetes home lab....

May 30, 2021 · 8 min

Integrating Cert Manager with Route53 on EKS

Integrating Cert Manager with Route53 on EKS In this article I will show, how you can automatically get Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates using Cert Manager. We will leverage the DNS01 challenge and use a Route53 Hosted Zone to answer the challenge. The Cert Manager will use an EKS IAM Role Service Account, which follows AWS best practices for security. Set up the EKS cluster with Terraform We will use this EKS module to provision our EKS cluster....

April 2, 2021 · 5 min